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Author: csanback

The Setup

Standing in line is not one of my favorite things to do. And as I get older it takes a lot for me to even consider doing such a horrible thing. So it was pretty rare when Nate asked me to drive a few thousand miles and stand in line for a beer release, that I actually said yes. Especially given the fact that I have missed several local AZ Wilderness can releases which is practically down the road from me. But, after a long but fun road trip and night out at a few other breweries there I was. Standing in line, waiting for a beer. If you have never stood in a line for beer release, you should give it a try. Since you are randomly paired with those around you in line you do tend to start talking with other beer minded people and gleam some good info. One such thing was we should check out Phantom Carriage if we planned on heading toward Monkish. Continue reading

The Setup

So there we are standing around my kitchen, shooting the shit. It’s myself, Brandon and our good friends Dave and Liz. On occasion we meet up and have mini bottle shares. Which normally we interject into some other event we are doing, movie night, game night, etc. Brandon has brought with him a few bottles, and one just so happens to be a bottle of 2015 Punishment from Stone Brewing. Which is part of the Crime and Punishment series.If you have never had this line of beers before, they are spicy to say the least. Stone makes a pretzels at it’s World Bistro that if you order a side of milk with them its free, after its $5 a glass. Needless to say Brandon had been sitting on this bottle for a while, over a year in fact. He brought it to other bottle shares, always having to cart it back home. This night he would have to do that. With that year under it’s belt we all figured it would have mellowed. We were wrong. Continue reading

(NSFW) This week the guys decide that since everyone else is doing some kind of pairing they should too for AZ Craft Beer Week. Going along with the pairing they talk about current news for a couple Arizona breweries. They touch on who else has decided to get into the craft beer game. You’ll never guess. And is the term over rated really that over used or does it mean something else completely.

Music Credit: Porno Galactic by Concrete Dinosaur


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Links to Articles

National News

Cascade New Branding – https://www.craftbeer.com/news/beer-release/cascade-brewing-debuts-new-branding-with-release

Overrated is Overused – https://www.beeradvocate.com/mag/15180/overrated-is-overused/

 Local News

Chicago-based Two Brothers Brewing buys Sleepy Dog Brewery in Tempe – http://mouthbysouthwest.com/2017/02/03/two-brothers-buys-sleepy-dog-brewery-in-tempe/

OHSO Opens in Downtown Gilbert – http://mouthbysouthwest.com/2017/01/18/ohso-brewery-creamistry-are-latest-additions-coming-to-downtown-gilbert/

Craft Beer Culture

A Reality Show, About Craft Beer. – http://barelybeershow.com/

Sweet Water Vs Sam Adams – https://www.craftbeer.com/news/craftbeer-com-news/craft-brewers-get-atlanta-boston-big-game-super-bowl-rivalry

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