Wait I Checked Things In?
There are probably a few reasons why someone would want to, or for that matter not want to keep track of the beers they drank. For some it’s a way to boast on how much they have drank or it’s to prove they have drank a certain whale or two. Other’s use it solely to help choose from the endless choices that are out there now (not a bad thing). For me it’s always more of a way to remind myself what I drank. Not saying I want to have a who has more check-ins or drank the most unique beers; I’m sure I’ll lose. However, that’s the point, I’m pretty awful at keeping track of what beers I drink. So having some sort of portable way to keep track of my beer drinking exploits is pretty awesome. Not to say having a rad hand crafted beer tasting journal is not the way to go, but in my heart I’m a geek and tech just wins me over. It is sort of nostalgic to look thru the beers you had and if you are like me remember them all over again. So I broke them down by the top five rated beers I had in Arizona and top five from everywhere else, I’m sure I left a lot off this list that I loved, but like I said I’m awful at checking things in.