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Month: January 2018

This weeks new brew review is Smith and Forged Hard Cider. Our buddy Paul over at Sons of Suds took up the challenge and picked a cider to review. Let us tell you he is no stranger to brew reviews, he has over 36 reviews on his channel and counting. Bonus he lives in the Phoenix Valley and loves the amazing craft beer made here. So when we decided we wanted to start these episodes he was someone we wanted to get to contribute. Check out all his amazing beer reviews on his YouTube channel and follow his posts on Facebook! Enjoy.

Guest Information:

Sons of Suds

YouTube Channel


Smith & Forge Hard Cider

Untappd Reviews

Our Information:

Music Credit: Takotsubo Men

The assorted sounds of three ageing humans hitting things in a studio for five days. Beautifully nasty and pretty vile at times but ultimately gorgeous. Enjoy!

Music: Magic Sh!t

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Buy Us a Beer!

For as little as a dollar a month you can help a bearded white guy drink a good craft beer. Your generous donation will help supply thousands with the gift of more podcasts and we are pretty sure inappropriate humor as well. Invest in Us! 

Rate us on iTunes!

Want to help us reach a bigger audience and keep the episodes coming? Then head over to iTunes and Give us a rating and feedback!

Tell A Friend!

Tell someone you know about our show! If you know that a friend likes or loves craft beer tell them to give us a listen. Or if you know someone who is new to craft beer and you are tired of telling them about the scene, let us be your soap box! Or have an amazing whale that you want to share with the world. Go on your social media platform of choice and give us a shout out. Use the hashtag #hoppycraftsmen and we’ll respond in kind. Probably in some form of emoji and maybe a super rad type of comment. You get the picture.

Extra Special Thanks to:

Beer and Other Shhhh for the Rapid Round inspiration. Give them a listen and a like on iTunes, or watch some videos on their YouTube

New Brew Review

New Brew Review is a bi-weekly bonus podcast.  Each episode a new reviewer from the world of craft beer will try a new brew they have never had before and share what they think of it with you in a bonus podcast. As the reviewer should be trying a new beer, and recording at the same time we hope to capture a very honest review. Not what they hoped it would be or thought it should be. As a note the review does not necessarily reflect those of the Hoppy Craftsmen, but are those of the reviewer.

Guest Information:


Tombstone Brewing

107 E Toughnut, Tombstone, AZ 85638

​Phone: 520-222-6781





Untappd Review

Our Information:

Music Credit: Takotsubo Men

The assorted sounds of three ageing humans hitting things in a studio for five days. Beautifully nasty and pretty vile at times but ultimately gorgeous. Enjoy!

Intro: Skint But Free Outro: Takotsubo Man

Follow them!

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Support US!

Buy Us a Beer!

For as little as a dollar a month you can help a bearded white guy drink a good craft beer. Your generous donation will help supply thousands with the gift of more podcasts and we are pretty sure inappropriate humor as well. Invest in Us! 

Rate us on iTunes!

Want to help us reach a bigger audience and keep the episodes coming? Then head over to iTunes and Give us a rating and feedback!

Tell A Friend!

Tell someone you know about our show! If you know that a friend likes or loves craft beer tell them to give us a listen. Or if you know someone who is new to craft beer and you are tired of telling them about the scene, let us be your soap box! Or have an amazing whale that you want to share with the world. Go on your social media platform of choice and give us a shout out. Use the hashtag #hoppycraftsmen and we’ll respond in kind. Probably in some form of emoji and maybe a super rad type of comment. You get the picture.

Extra Special Thanks to:

Beer and Other Shhhh for the Rapid Round inspiration. Give them a listen and a like on iTunes, or watch some videos on their YouTube

New Brew Review

New Brew Review is a bi-weekly bonus podcast.  Each episode a new reviewer from the world of craft beer will try a new brew they have never had before and share what they think of it with you in a bonus podcast. As the reviewer should be trying a new beer, and recording at the same time we hope to capture a very honest review. Not what they hoped it would be or thought it should be. As a note the review does not necessarily reflect those of the Hoppy Craftsmen, but are those of the reviewer.

Wait I Checked Things In?

There are probably a few reasons why someone would want to, or for that matter not want to keep track of the beers they drank. For some it’s a way to boast on how much they have drank or it’s to prove they have drank a certain whale or two. Other’s use it solely to help choose from the endless choices that are out there now (not a bad thing). For me it’s always more of a way to remind myself what I drank. Not saying I want to have a who has more check-ins or drank the most unique beers; I’m sure I’ll lose. However, that’s the point, I’m pretty awful at keeping track of what beers I drink. So having some sort of portable way to keep track of my beer drinking exploits is pretty awesome. Not to say having a rad hand crafted beer tasting journal is not the way to go, but in my heart I’m a geek and tech just wins me over. It is sort of nostalgic to look thru the beers you had and if you are like me remember them all over again. So I broke them down by the top five rated beers I had in Arizona and top five from everywhere else, I’m sure I left a lot off this list that I loved, but like I said I’m awful at checking things in.

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